whatchu know about that…i know all about that.

explaining id…
October 12, 2008, 5:17 pm
Filed under: thoughts | Tags: ,

so i was reminded again how hard it is to explain what industrial design is.  i was visiting my sister up in athens this weekend and got to see one of my good friends from high school.  we were talking about what his major actually means now that he is about to graduate next semester and then we got onto what does ID mean for my future…hmm…how do you explain it to people who dont know what it is?

well in the product design world it is everything and it is nothing.  we come up with how things look and function through that look and why our design is better than the next guy’s.  we design the whole thing.  but then at the same time we dont get the credit.  our materials teacher said that he has designed all of these tools for sears and his name is nowhere on them because sears hired him so they are not his products.  you can design furniture, toys, cars, packaging, toothbrushes, wheelchairs, and any number of other things.  we are involved in pretty much every aspect of people’s lives, what they use, come in contact with, or see…why is it so hard for people to understand what we do?

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duh Kate. We design industries. I guess you missed that lecture

Comment by adamattech

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